Creative Clay Dogs

My art is a reflection of two sources of inspiration: a love of animals, especially dogs, and representations of creatures by ancient Native American petroglyph carvers.

Each dog I encounter renews a sense of wonder -- large or small they inevitably, irresistibly seek to bond with us. They know they belong with us. I hope to honor this bond, this connection, through my sculptures.


About Susan

Originally from Texas, I have been a California resident for over 15 years. After an extensive career in the Fashion and Retail Industries I have decided it is time to work on my real love, making clay dogs. I’ve taken to heart the approach of the ancient petroglyph artists who created images that were based on real canines, in my work I suggest other qualities, contentment and loyalty but also vigor and strength. Every dog has its own personality, that is what I hope to capture in my work. The process of making one clay dog generally takes me a total of 2 months to complete.

I hope you enjoy my work.


Gallery Clay Dogs


November 23rd, 2012 2:34 pm

Dan donovan said:

How wonderful. Each sculpture is alive in its own way. Our dogs are special to us. Maxx is special to you all. They have a way to go straight to the heart.

October 18th, 2012 7:06 am

Sara Orlando said:

Susan has taken the art of sculptures to a new level in capturing the love of our animals . You can really gain an appreciation of her talent on how she was able to create my "Bailey" which I will treasure my entire life. Unfortunately our pets do not stay with us forever but with my sculpture he will always be with me and in my heart. Susan beautifully displayed my beloved Bailey in every way - Thank you!!

October 13th, 2012 9:06 pm

Anita Charney said:

What fun! Great diversity & range of talent & expression.

September 30th, 2012 9:28 am

William F. Pilder said:

Your sculptures are alive with Spirit. They will dance beautifully for all who are fortunate to live with them.


Creativeclaydogs offers multi-colored sculptures in various sizes. Additionally, dog owners can commission clay representations of their pets after consulting with the artist.

For additional information on existing or commissioned pieces:

Susan Reynolds
(949) 293-3848

Selected pieces are currently on display at:

Art N Soul on 101
  633 So. Coast Highway 101
     Encinitas, CA 92024

Galleria Corazon
703 Canyon Rd.,
   Santa Fe, New Mexico
(505) 983-3703

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